Choosing a Vision Interface
Choosing a Vision Interface
Equip your vision system with the right interface to ensure proper application performance.
Choosing the right interface is crucial for smooth data transfer and efficient operation of your application. The required bandwidth, cable length, and number of cameras required are important criteria. At Basler, you will find the right interface to get the optimum performance out of your vision system.
Basler’s interface portfolio
As a leading manufacturer of vision technology, Basler offers systems based on stable and powerful interfaces. The camera portfolio includes both small, price/performance optimized designs as well as larger and more powerful variants. Basler delivers a variety of options - for the present and the future.
Upgrading your interface
Looking for a more powerful interface to increase your application efficiency? Select your current interface and we'll share upgrade options.
Find the right interface for your application
The Basler Interface Advisor helps you to decide which interface is most suitable for your project.
The most important vision interfaces
Basler routinely observes and assesses technological changes in the market. USB, CoaXPress and GigE serve well - today and in the future.