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애플리케이션 노트

문서 번호: AW001445

This application note describes the network drivers available for your Basler GigE camera and provides detailed information about the parameters associated with the drivers. Also, it provides information about managing bandwidth with multiple cameras.

The content of this document is taken from the legacy ace GigE User’s Manual, appendix A.1, A.2, and B.2.

The application note contains the following information:

  • Characteristics of the Basler Filter Driver, the Basler Performance Driver, and the Basler Socket Driver
  • Parameters associated with the Basler Filter Driver
  • Parameters associated with the Basler Performance Driver, including network adapter properties and transport layer parameters

Also, you will learn how to accomplish the following tasks:

  • Improving the network performance
  • Setting the PacketSize parameter
  • Setting the BandwithReserve parameter
  • Calculating the data bandwidth needed

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