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White Papers

2D or 3D Camera? Which 3D Camera Technology Fits Your Application?

2D or 3D Camera? Which 3D Camera Technology Fits Your Application?

The third dimension is playing an increasingly important role in image processing applications. Our White Paper describes various 3D technologies, such as stereovision and structured light, laser triangulation and time-of-flight, with their strengths and weaknesses. You also get practical information on whether the third dimension is actually worthwhile for your application.

Our White Paper answers the following questions for you:

  • What are the application areas of 2D camera?
  • What are the application areas of 3D cameras?
  • 2D or 3D – Will the third dimension help me solve my task?
  • What are the most popular 3D technologies and what are their strengths and weaknesses?
  • How can the 3D technologies (stereovision and structured light, laser triangulation, time-of-flight) be compared?
  • What could be the right 3D technology for my application?

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